


立即注册! 加入群聊
  • 如果您想上传您的收费插件,请准备好原创资料/或者原作者订单记录确保可以及时更新,然后联系版主即可上传啦!
  • 所有的插件永久包更新,如遇到购买不是最新版请立刻联系版主更新,所有插件均是原价的三折!

玩家通过砍树、采石、杀死 NPC 等获得 XP,并在升级时获得技能点奖励。




  • 130 个技能节点中的 116 种独特增益类型。
  • 13 棵独特的技能树。
  • 67+ XP 来源,以及 BotRespawn 和 NpcSpawn 的自定义 XP 设置。
  • 大量的 xp 选项可以真正为您的服务器调整插件。
  • 一个功能性树系统,如果玩家没有在树中投入足够的技能点,它会阻止解锁/升级节点。
  • 在大多数树木中都有有趣且独特的终极能力。
  • 想要运行 2x/3x 等的服务器的全局产量设置。
  • 能够使用其他插件的权限创建自定义技能树和节点。
  • 通过服务器擦除的持久性数据有相当数量的选项。
  • 一个声望系统,奖励您最铁杆的玩家。
SkillTree 允许用户专注于多个技能树,并在升级时解锁每个树中的节点,以使他们的角色更加强大和独特。

与 Skill Tree 配合良好的插件

  • RaidableBases - SkillTree 通过奖励 xp 来奖励突袭者(通过 SkillTree 直接处理或直接通过 RaidableBases 处理)来与 RaidableBases 集成。如果服务器不允许突袭,则突袭树也可以专门与 RaidableBases 一起使用。
  • 经济服务器奖励 - 作为支付重新配置费用的一种方式集成。
  • SurvivalArena - 奖励活动的获胜者 xp。
  • 烹饪 - 为烹饪树添加新技能,并在成功烹饪饭菜时获得 XP 奖励。
  • BotRespawn - 为每个 NPC 配置文件添加额外的 XP 源。
  • NpcSpawn - 为每个 NPC 配置文件添加额外的 XP 源。
  • UINotify - 显示与调平等相关的通知。
  • ZombieHorde - 提供用于杀死此插件生成的僵尸的 xp。
  • LootDefender - 提供在杀死 BradleyAPC 时共享 xp 的能力。通过 LootDefender 配置。
  • EpicLoot - 向 Scavenging 树添加技能
  • FishingHotspots - 允许在热点钓鱼时修改 XP 获取。
  • ZoneManager - 允许您在区域中禁用增益。
skilltree.chat - required to use the chat commands to access the skill tree menu.
skilltree.xp - required to obtain xp from xp sources.
skilltree.tree - required to access and use the skill tree.
skilltree.admin - required to use the admin commands.
skilltree.all - allows user access to all trees.
skilltree.Mining - allows the user to access the mining tree.
skilltree.Woodcutting - allows the user to access the woodcutting tree.
skilltree.Skinning - allows the user to access the skinning tree.
skilltree.Harvesting - allows the user to access the harvesting tree.
skilltree.Combat - allows the user to access the combat tree.
skilltree.Medical - allows the user to access the medical tree.
skilltree.Build_Craft - allows the user to access the build craft tree.
skilltree.Scavenging - allows the user to access the scavenging tree.
skilltree.Vehicles - allows the user to access the vehicles tree.
skilltree.Cooking - allows the user to access the cooking tree.
skilltree.bag.keepondeath - prevents the ExtraPockets bag from dropping on death.
skilltree.notitles - Removes the level title from the player (Requires BetterChat)
skilltree.noxploss - Prevents xp loss.
skilltree.roguelike - If enabled via the config, will be required to participate in the Roguelike system.
skilltree.teabonus - Ignores the config option preventing the yield increases from working with mining and woodcutting teas.
skilltree.noscoreboard - Prevents players with this permission from being added to the scoreboard.

//Custom permission settings

"Modified max skill points based on permissions [must be higher than default]": {
"vip": 120

"Cost per point to respec based on permissions [must be lower than default]": {
"vip": 10.0

"Maximum amount of xp a player can lose when they die based on permissions [must be less than default]": {
"vip": 500.0

"Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]": {
"vip": 1.2

The permission for "vip" would be skilltree.vip
Assigning this perm to players would override the default values for the respective settings (max skill points, respec cost, xp gain and xp loss).

Command: st
Description: Opens the skill tree menu. Requires skilltree.chat permissions.

Command: updatexptable
Description: Recalculates the xp table based on the config values. Requires

Command: togglexpdrops
Description: Toggles the xp popup when obtaining xp.

Command: togglexphud
Description: Toggles the xp hud on the players screen.

Command: givexp
Parameters: <name> <amount> <optional: Ignore modifiers true/false>
Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, xp equal to the amount parameter. Ignore modifiers will ignore all forms of xp boosts such as rested xp.

Command: givesp
Parameters: <name> <amount>
Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, skill points equal to the amount parameter.

Command: resetdata
Parameters: <name>
Description: Resets the target players data.

Command: turbo
Description: Toggles the turbo on the boat if the player has the relevant perk.

Command: togglebc
Description: Toggles the BetterChat title on/off for the user.

Command: movebar
Description: brings up a ui that can be used to relocate the xp bar on the players screen.

Command: stresetalldata
Description: Resets all players data.

Command: sb or score or scoreboard
Description: Chat and console command that brings up the scoreboard, showing who has the most xp.

Command: sttogglenotifications
Description: Toggle notifications from buff triggers.

Command: stgiveitem
Parameters: <id> <shortname> <quantity> <skin ID> <optional: displayName>
Description: gives an item to the target ID that matches the parameters.

Console Command: strespecallplayers
Description: Resets skills for all online and offline players.

Console Command: strespecplayer
Parameters: <target name/userID>
Description: Resets the target online/offline players skills.

Console Command: givexptoall
Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false>
Description: Will give the amount of xp to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online.

Console Command: givesptoall
Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false>
Description: Will give the amount of skill points to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online.

Console Command: stremoveplayerdata
Parameters: <userid>
Description: Will remove the player data file for the specified userid.

可以从许多不同的来源获得经验。每个源的值都可以通过 config 进行调整。

NodeHit - Hitting a stone, metal or sulfur mining node.
NodeHitFinal - Finishing a stone, metal or sulfur mining node.
TreeHit - Hitting a tree.
TreeHitFinal - Knocking down a tree.
SkinHit - Hitting an animal with a skinning tool.
SkinHitFinal - Finishing off an animal with a skinning tool.
CollectWildPlant - Collecting any map generated collectible, such as hemp, corn, pumpkin, stone, sulfur or metal.
CollectGrownPlant - Collecting any player grown produce.
BuildingBlockDeployed - Placing down a twig building block.
FishCaught - Catching a fish.
Crafting - Whenever a craft is successfully completed. XP is calculated based on the duration of the craft.
ScientistNormal - Killing a blue scientist.
ScientistHeavy - Killing a heavy scientists.
SmallAnimal - Killing a small animal such as a chicken.
MediumAnimal - Killing a medium animal such as a boar, wolf or stag.
LargeAnimal - Killing a large animal such as a horse, shark or bear.
Barrel - Destroying barrels.
RoadSign - Destroying road signs.
Scarecrow - Killing scarecrows or a zombie in ZombieHorde.
Mission - Completing a mission in rust.
BradleyAPC - Getting the last hit on Bradley.
LootHackedCrate - First player to loot a locked crate.
LootHeliCrate - First player to loot a heli crate.
LootBradleyCrate - First player to loot a bradley crate.
CookingMealXP - (Requires cooking plugin) XP is calculated per ingredient used. Example 2 tomatos and 8 bear meat would yield 100xp.
RaidableBaseCompletion - Awards raiders of a RaidableBase xp upon the completion of the raid.
Win_HungerGames - Awards xp to the winner of the Hunger Games arena.
Win_ScubaArena - Awards xp to the winner of the Scuba arena.
Win_Skirmish - Awards xp to the winner of the Skirmish arena.
Gut_Fish - Awards xp when gutting a fish.
default_botrespawn - default amount xp given when killing a bot made using botrespawn. Overriding values can be added to the config based on the bot group.
crate_basic - when opening crates
crate_elite - when opening crates
crate_mine - when opening crates
crate_normal - when opening crates
carte_normal_2 - when opening crates
crate_normal_2_food - when opening crates
crate_normal_2_medical - when opening crates
crate_tools - when opening crates
crate_underwater_advanced - when opening crates
crate_underwater_basic - when opening crates
crate_ammunition - when opening crates
crate_food_1 - when opening crates
crate_food_2 - when opening crates
crate_fuel - when opening crates
crate_medical - when opening crates
Harbor_Event_Winner - Winner of the Harbor event plugin
Junkyard_Event_Winner - winner of the Junkyard event plugin
PowerPlant_Event_Winner - winner of the Power plant event plugin
Satellite_Event_Winner - winner of the Satellite event plugin
Water_Event_Winner - winner of the Water event plugin
Air_Event_Winner - winner of the Air event plugin.
Armored_Train_Winner - winner of the Armored train plugin
Convoy_Winner - winner of the Convoy event plugin.
Supply_drop - first player that opens a supply drop.
SurvivalArena_Winner - winning the SurvivalArena event.
swipe_card_level_1 - using a green swipe card reader
swipe_card_level_2 - using a blue swipe card reader
swipe_card_level_3 - using a red swipe card reader
boss_monster - killing an NPC from boss monster
Zombie - Killing a ZombieHorde zombie
UnderwaterDweller NPCs - NPCs in underwater labs
JetPilot - JetPilot plugin
ArcticBaseEvent_Winner - winner of the Arctic Base Event
GasStationEvent_Winner - winner of the Gas Station Event
SputnikEvent_Winner - winner of the Sputnik Event
detect_diggable - triggered when a metal detector site is dig up.
ShipWreckEvent_Winner - winner of the Ship Wreck Event
pvp - when a player kills another player (default: off).
Triangulation_Winner - winner of the triangulation event
Caravan_Winner - winner of the Caravan event
SupermarketEvent_Winner - winner of the Supermarket event

Name: Mining Yield
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while mining.

Name: Instant Mine
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly mine out a stone, sulfur or metal node.

Name: Smelt On Mine
Description: Gives the user a chance to smelt some of the ore as its mined from sulfur and metal nodes.

Name: Mining Luck
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Mining luck loot table when they finish mining a node.

Name: Mining Tool Durability
Description: Decreses the durability loss of mining tools.

Name: Woodcutting Yield
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while woodcutting.

Name: Instant Chop
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly chop down a tree.

Name: Woodcutting Coal
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain some charcoal while woodcutting.

Name: Woodcutting Luck
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Woodcutting luck loot table when they finish cutting down a tree.

Name: Woodcutting Tool Durability
Description: Decreses the durability loss of woodcutting tools.

Name: Skinning Yield
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while skinning.

Name: Instant Skin
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly cut up an animal.

Name: Skinning Tool Durability
Description: Decreases the durability loss of skinning tools.

Name: Skinning Cook
Description: Gives the user a chance to received cooked meat, instead of raw meat, while skinning an animal.

Name: Harvest Wild Yield
Description: Increases the yield when harvesting map generated collectibles, such as berries, hemp, stone, sulfur and mushrooms.

Name: Harvest Grown Yield
Description: Increases the yield when harvesting player grown produce.

Name: Extra Fish
Description: Gives the user a chance of receiving an extra fish while fishing.

Name: Double Bandage Heal
Description: Doubles the healing power of cloth bandages.

Name: Radiation Reduction
Description: Reduces the amount of radiation damage taken by the player.

Name: Extra Food
Description: Increases the amount of calories the player receives when consuming food.

Name: Fire Damage Reduction
Description: Reduces the amount of fire damage received.

Name: Fall Damage Reduction
Description: Reduces the amount of fall damage received.

Name: No Cold Damage
Description: Removes all cold damage from the player.

Name: Wounded Resist
Description: Gives the player a chance to get straight back on their feet after entering the wounded state.

Name: Animal Damage Resist
Description: Reduces the damage taken by animals.

Name: Riding Speed
Description: Increases the speed of a horse while riding it.

Name: Free Bullet Chance
Description: Gives the player a chance to not expend a bullet when firing a gun.

Name: Primitive Expert
Description: Removes durability loss for primitive weapons.

Name: Upgrade Refund
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their resources back when upgrading a building block.

Name: Craft Speed
Description: Increases the crafting speed of a player.

Name: Research Refund
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their scrap back when researching an item on the research bench.

Name: Craft Refund
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their crafting materials back when crafting an item.

Name: Extra Scrap Barrel
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive additional scrap when destroying a barrel.

Name: Barrel Smasher
Description: Allows the player to instantly smash a barrel with any weapon.

Name: Extra Scrap Crate
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain extra scrap when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Component Chest
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Electronic Chest
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Component Barrel
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when smashing a barrel.

Name: Electronic Barrel
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when smashing a barrel.

Name: Melee Resist
Description: Reduces the damage taken by melee weapons.

Name: Iron Stomach
Description: Allows the player to eat spoiled and raw food without being poisoned.

Name: Boat Speed
Description: Allows the user to activate a turbo boost while on a boat, increasing the boats speed.

Name: Recycler Speed
Description: Increases the speed of recycling for the player.

Name: Smelt_Speed
Description: Adds a chance for ore to smelt whenever wood is consumed, in addition to the standard smelt rate.

Name: Heli_Fuel_Rate
Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your helicopters.

Name: Boat_Fuel_Rate
Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your boats.

Name: Vehicle_Mechanic
Description: Allows the user to repair a vehicle at no cost.

Name: Reviver
Description: Brings a wounded player up with additional health if the reviving player has the buff.

Name: Rationer
Description: Provides the consumer a chance to receive their food/tea back once consumed.

Name: PVP_Critical
Description: Gives the attacker a chance to critically damage the target in PVP.

Name: PVP_Damage
Description: Increases the damage of all PVP attacks.

Name: PVP_Shield
Description: Reduces the damage of all incoming PVP attacks.

Name: Metabolism_boost
Description: Increases your calories and hydration above the maximum.

Name: LootPickup
Description: Chance to have the loot from destroyed barrels given moved directly to their inventory.

Name: Node_Spawn_Chance
Description: Chance to spawn a new node when a new one is mined out.

Name: HealthRegen
Description: Passively regenerates x health per second

Name: AnimalTracker
Description: Allows the user to use the /track command to find the direction of the closest animal.

Name: ExtraPockets
Description: Creates a backpack style storage system, providing players the ability to access the storage using a chat command (/pouch). Slots are given based on points spent.

Name: Human_NPC_Damage
Description: Increases damages against scientists.

Name: Animal_NPC_Damage
Description: Increases damages against animals.

Name: Human_NPC_Defence
Description: Decrease damage from scientist.

Name: Craft_Duplicate
Description: Chance to duplicate an item while crafting.

Name: WaterBreathing
Description: Breath underwater.

Name: SharkResistance
Description: Reduce damage taken from sharks.

Name: SharkSkinner
Description: Chance to receive random items while skinning sharks.

Name: DeepSeaLooter
Description: Chance to receive additional items while looting sunken crates.

Name: InstantUntie
Description: Instantly untie sunken crates.

Name: UnderwaterDamageBonus
Description: Increase damage to all living things while underwater (including underwater labs).

Name: Permission
Description: Used for permission based skills.

Name: MaxRepair
Description: Resets the max condition for any items that are repaired.

Name: Durability
Description: Reduces condition loss for all items that the player is using.

Name: Regrowth
Description: Provides a chance for a tree to respawn when cut down.

Name: Skinning_Luck
Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when skinning an animal.

Name: Fishing_Luck
Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when catching a fish.

Name: Trap_Damage_Reduction
Description: Reduces the damage received from traps.

Name: Trap_Damage_Increase
Description: Increases the damage done to traps.

Name: Personal_Explosive_Reduction
Description: Reduces the damage received from your own explosives.

Name: Double_Explosion_Chance
Description: Provides a chance for your explosives to trigger twice.

Name: Lock_Picker
Description: Provides a chance to open a locked entity that you do not have access to.

Name: Explosion_Radius
Description: Increases the explosion radius of your explosives.

Name: Dudless_Explosive
Description: Reduces the chance of your satchels and beancans being duds.

Name: Woodcutting_Hotspot
Description: Treats each hit on a tree as though you hit the hotspot.

Name: Mining_Hotspot
Description: Treats each hit on a node as though you hit the hotspot.

Name: Extended_Tea_Duration
Description: Increases the duration of tea buffs by x% per level.

Name: Extended_Mag
Description: Increases the magazine capacity of weapons by x% per level.

Name: Tea_Looter
Description: Provides you with a x% chance per level to find tea in certain containers.

Name: Bite_Speed
Description: Decreases the time it takes to hook a fish by x% per level.

Name: Heli_Speed
Description: Increases the max thrust speed of the heli by x% per level.

Name: Sonar
Description: Allows the user to run a command to find all nearby submerged objects (dive sites, sharks, scientists etc).

Name: Comfort
Description: Provides the player and all nearby team mates with a % of comfort per level.

Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of health received per level.

Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of the xp you gain per level.

Name: Tea_Share
Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of tea buffs when you consume tea per level.

Name: Metabolism_Share
Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of hydration and calories received per level.

Name: Human_Workbench
Description: Creates a workbench aura on the player. The player and nearby team mates can use them as a workbench (the level of which is based on the skill level).

Name: Recycler_Efficiency
Description: Increases the recycler efficiency by x%.

Name: Metal_Detector_Luck
Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to obtain an additional item when they excavate metal detection sites.

Name: Efficient_Digger
Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to automatically dig up metal detection sites when they are flagged.

Name: Magnetic_Digger
Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to automatically collect dug up items.

Name: RadiationBaseValue
Description: Provides you with a base radiation resistance of % per level, even when naked.

Name: RadiationResistModifier
Description: Increases the effectiveness of your clothings radiation resistance by % per level.

Name: BikeEnginePower
Description: Increases the engine power of all bikes (peddal and motor) by x % per level.

Name: DriverCollisionResistance
Description: Decreases the damage taken from collisions while driving a vehicle by x% per level.

Name: Harvesting_Luck
Description: Provides a drop table when a player collects harvesting materials. Grown and wild collectibles have their own loot tables.

Name: Woodcutting_Ultimate
Description: Harvests the surrounding trees when cutting down a tree.

Name: Mining_Ultimate
Description: Provides access to a chat command to see all surrounding node locations.

Name: Combat_Ultimate
Description: Heals the player for a percentage of the damage that they deal to all sources.

Name: Vehicle_Ultimate
Description: Reduces damage dealt to the players mounted vehicle (default 100% deduction).

Name: Harvester_Ultimate
Description: Allows the player to set the genetic composition of plants.

Name: Medical_Ultimate
Description: Gives the player a chance to resurrect at their point of death if they choose to.

Name: Skinning_Ultimate
Description: Killing an animal with this buff active will provide the player with an enhanced ability for a period of time, depending on the animal killed.
- Chicken: No fall damage.
- Boar: Chance to find components while harvesting mushrooms and berries.
- Wolf: Increased healing while near team mates.
- Stag: Notification when a neutral player is nearby, and their last known location (configurable).
- Bear: Scientists will not attack the player unless attacked.
- Polarbear: Overshield.

Name: Build_Craft_Ultimate
Description: Use any coloured swipe cards in any reader.

Name: Scavengers_Ultimate
Description: Will automatically recycle components from barrels when they are broken.

xp 表使用一个通用方程来计算其等级和 xp 要求。您可以在此处阅读有关该方法的更多信息:https://blog.jakelee.co.uk/converting-levels-into-xp-vice-versa/

还有一个电子表格,您可以复制并调整顶部的 x 值。增加数量可最小化关卡之间的 XP。找到一个好的值,然后将其放入配置中 “Leveling information” 部分下的 “x” 值中。
建议您将 y 值保留为 2 或 3,并仅调整 x 值。


- 0.07:默认
- 0.04:磨人。


object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity source, double value, string source_string)
object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, string plugin, double value)
返回非 null 值将取消 xp 增益。source 可以返回 null,因此请务必检查。
string[] ST_GetPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player)

// Example

void TestAPI(BasePlayer player)
var data = (string[])SkillTree.Call("ST_GetPlayerLevel", player);
Puts($"Level: {data.First()}. XP: {data.Last()}");
以字符串形式返回玩家等级 [0] 和 xp [1] 值

object STCanReceiveYield(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity)
返回非 null 值将取消收益增益。

object STOnLoseXP(BasePlayer player)
返回非 null 值可防止 xp 丢失。

double GetExcessXP(BasePlayer player)
将玩家当前等级的超额 XP 加倍。

RemoveXP(BasePlayer player, double value)
从玩家中移除等于该值的 xp。不会将值降低到其当前级别的开始以下。

void STOnPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player, int oldLevel, int newLevel);

void STOnPouchOpened(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer pouch)
当玩家打开 ExtraPockets 收纳时触发。

object STCanModifyHorse(BasePlayer player, RidableHorse horse, float modifier)
返回非 null 值将阻止马被 Riding_Speed buff 修改。

public void AddNode(string tree, string node, bool enabled, int max_Level, int tier, float value_Per_Buff, string _buff, string _buffType, string icon_url, object[] _perms = null)
object[] perms { string perms_description, Dictionary<int, List<string>> tiers_and_perms }
void AddCookingNodeToSkillTree()
if (SkillTree != null && SkillTree.IsLoaded)
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> _perms = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>()
[1] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { ["cooking.instant"] = "Instant Cook" }
string Description = "Cooking food with the Cooking plugin will be instant.";

object[] perms = new object[]

string Tree = "Cooking";
string Node = "Instant Chef";
bool StartOn = true;
int Max_Level = 1;
int Tier = 2;
float Value_per_Level = 1;
string Buff = "Permission";
string BuffType = "Permission";
string URL = " ";

SkillTree.Call("AddNode", Tree, Node, StartOn, Max_Level, Tier, Value_per_Level, Buff, BuffType, URL, perms);

public object IsExtraPocketsContainer(uint uid)
if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return True;
return False;

public Func<uint, bool> GetExtraPocketsContainerProvider()
return new Func<uint, bool>(uid =>
if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return true;
return false;

public Func<uint, string> GetExtraPocketsOwnerIdProvider()
return new Func<uint, string>(uid =>
Containers data;
if (containers.TryGetValue(uid, out data)) return data.userIDString;
return null;
用于额外口袋的 API。

object STCanReceiveBonusLootFromContainer(BasePlayer player, LootContainer container)
如果返回非 null 值,则防止增益效果向容器添加战利品。

object STOnItemRepairWithMaxRepair(Item item)
返回非 null 可防止将 item repaired 达到最大值。

object[] GetXPStats(ulong id)
返回 object[]: int level, double xp, double current level start xp, double next level start xp.

float GetBuffValue(BasePlayer player, string skill)

void AwardXP(ulong userid, double value, string plugin, bool noMod = false)
为玩家提供指定数量的 xp

public void DisableBuffs(ulong id)

public void EnableBuffs(ulong id)
75.00 CNY


0.00 星 0 星



  1. 1.5.11

  2. 1.5.9

    版本 发布 8 小时前 * 将再生移至下一个刻,这样它就不会导致 ItemPerks 中的 Deforest 出现无限循环。 * 针对 12 月的强制擦除进行了更新。